
First Aid

Emergency First Aid at Work

A basic first aid course, covering life-threatening emergencies for individuals who wish to act as an emergency first aider in their workplace. This course is suitable for new learners AND those needing to revalidate a previous qualification. Duration: 1 day course (6.5 contact hours excluding breaks) Qualification title: Level 3 (Level 6 Scotland) Award in Emergency First Aid at Work (RQF) Accreditation: Qualsafe Awards (RQF) Certification: Valid for 3 years

1 day

Emergency Paediatric First Aid

A basic first aid course covering life-threatening paediatric emergencies, for those with caring responsibilities involving infants or young children. Duration: 1 Full Day (9.00-5.00) Qualification title: Level 3 (Level 6 Scotland) Award in Emergency Paediatric First Aid (RQF) Accreditation: Qualsafe Awards Certification: Valid for 3 years

1 day

First Aid at Work

A comprehensive first aid course for individuals who wish to act as a first aider in their workplace. Covers life-threatening emergencies, injuries and illnesses in the workplace. 3 day course Certificate valid for 3 years Ofqual regulated

3 days (21 hours)

First Aid at Work Re-qualification

This is the 2 day refresher course for anyone holding a valid FAW certificate. It follows the same syllabus as the initial FAW qualification. Learners must be eligible* to undertake this course. Duration: 2 day course (12 contact hours excluding breaks) Qualification title: Level 3 (Level 6 Scotland) Award in First Aid at Work (RQF) Accreditation: Qualsafe Awards (RQF) Certification: Valid for 3 years

2 days (14 hours)

First Aid at Work (Day Release)

A comprehensive first aid course for individuals who wish to act as a first aider in their workplace. Covers life-threatening emergencies, injuries and illnesses in the workplace. 3 day course 1 day per week over 3 weeks Certificate valid for 3 years Ofqual regulated

3 days

First Aid at Work Requalification

This is the 2 day refresher course for anyone holding a valid FAW certificate, allowing you to maintain the skills and knowledge needed to continue in your role as First Aider for your workplace. It consists of 2 parts: Part 1 - 6 hours pre-learning (online in your own time); and Part 2 - 1 full day 9.00-5.00 (face to face classroom learning). Qualification title: Level 3 Award in First Aid at Work (RQF). Accreditation: Qualsafe Awards, Ofqual regulated. Certification: Valid for 3 years.

2 Days (1 Day Classroom Based)

Level 2 CPR and AED

This is an Ofqual Regulated Qualification and is based on the recommendations of the Resuscitation Council (UK) and Skills for Health Assessment Principles for First Aid Qualifications.

Half Day (5 hours)

Paediatric First Aid

A comprehensive first aid course covering a wide range of paediatric emergencies, injuries and illnesses. For those working professionally with infants and/or young children. Duration: 2 day classroom course Qualification title: Level 3 (Level 6 Scotland) Award in Paediatric First Aid (RQF) Accreditation: Qualsafe Awards Certification: Valid for 3 years

2 days

Mental Health

Awareness of First Aid for Mental Health

A basic introduction to mental health covering stress and a range of mental health conditions. Qualification title: Awareness of First Aid for Mental Health Accreditation: First Aid Awards (SQA Level 4 SCQF) Certification: Valid for 3 years

1/2 day (4 hours)

First Aid for Mental Health

A short course covering a range of mental health conditions and the first aid action plan for mental health. Qualification title: First Aid for Mental Health Accreditation: First Aid Awards (SQA Level 5 SCQF) Certification: Valid for 3 years

1 day

First Aid for Youth Mental Health

A short course covering common mental health conditions affecting children and young people, and the first aid action plan for mental health. Qualification title: First Aid for Youth Mental Health Accreditation: First Aid Awards (SQA Level 5 SCQF) Certification: Valid for 3 years

1 day (7 hours)

Leading First Aid for Mental Health

A comprehensive course covering a wide range of mental health difficulties, the first aid action plan for mental health and factors affecting mental health in the workplace. Qualification title: Leading First Aid for Mental Health Accreditation: First Aid Awards (SQA Level 6 SCQF) Certification: Valid for 3 years

2 days (14 hours)

Mental Health in the Workplace

This course will raise your awareness of the signs and symptoms associated with mental health problems inside/outside the workplace and help you support and guide someone to professional help. Qualification title: Mental Health First Aid in the Workplace (RQF) Accreditation: Ofqual Regulated, QA Level 3 Award Certification: Valid for 3 years

2 days

Mental Health in the Workplace (Day Release)

This course will raise your awareness of the signs and symptoms associated with mental health problems inside/outside the workplace and help you support and guide someone to professional help. Qualification title: Mental Health First Aid in the Workplace (RQF) Accreditation: Ofqual Regulated, QA Level 3 Award Certification: Valid for 3 years

2 days

Understanding Mental Health in the Workplace

This course will help you develop a greater understanding of common mental health conditions and know how best to support and guide someone to professional help. Qualification title: Understanding Mental Health in the Workplace (RQF) Accreditation: Ofqual Regulated, QA Level 2 Award Certification: Valid for 3 years

1 day (7 hours)


First Aid at Work Requalification

This is the 2 day refresher course for anyone holding a valid FAW certificate, allowing you to maintain the skills and knowledge needed to continue in your role as First Aider for your workplace. It consists of 2 parts: Part 1 - 6 hours pre-learning (online in your own time); and Part 2 - 1 full day 9.00-5.00 (face to face classroom learning). Qualification title: Level 3 Award in First Aid at Work (RQF). Accreditation: Qualsafe Awards, Ofqual regulated. Certification: Valid for 3 years.

2 Days (1 Day Classroom Based)